Tag Archives: fearless

3 Day Quote Challenge (1) Romans

I was recently challenged by Palatable Adventures  to the 3-Day Quote Challenge.  Thank you so much Kristy! Her blog is so fun, go check it out when you get the chance!

My first quote is a verse found in Romans 8:31. I absolutely love this verse.


“Who can be against us?” (Romans 8:31) The answer to this is “no one.” Sure we can be persecuted and hurt here on earth, but eternally we will live and bask in the Glory of Christ forever. – Article by Derek Hill. You can read the rest of the article here. I love this article, it pretty much sums up how I feel about this verse. I hope it gives you peace even during the pain here on earth as much as it does me!!

If you accept this 3-day challenge, post 1-3 quotes for 3 consecutive days, nominating 3 fellow bloggers to do the same.

I am nominating the following bloggers today to this challenge.

Adventures in Teaching My Own

Blogging with Britt

Strings to Wings

Here’s to happy quoting!!