Tag Archives: mother

“Parenting is hard!” – Well what did you expect?


The last few days, it seems like everywhere I turn I read something or I hear someone complain about how hard parenting is. (And I’m not talking about a humorous post about all the shenanigans throughout parenting or a passing “this child is crazy” phrase that we all think and sometimes say) Mega parent complainers who are tired, they are worn out, they need some “me” time. They are actually rude and almost unforgiving toward their own child. I kinda want to say and in most recent instances have had to bite my tongue…

“Well what did you expect?”

What in the world are we expecting parenthood to be. If we do it right and actually want what is best for our children then yes it’s going to kick our butts from time to time. The gray hairs are gonna come, the tired eyes, the frown lines, the headaches, the heartbreak, the tears, worry, fear, exhaustion and doubt… etc etc etc etc…

It seems to me that most parents think they are getting into some sort of ‘walk in the park’ adventure. They think having a baby is going to be like those toys that came out in the 90’s, you know the ones… Nano Pets or the Tamagotchis. Those things were the bee’s knees for like a week when I was ten.

I feel like as parents we focus a lot on the negative, on “woe is me” scenarios and we keep reminding everyone how hard parenting is when what we should be reminding everyone and ourselves is although it is very hard it also ends way too soon. We should look at each day as a gift because that is what it is. No matter what you believe in, I don’t think many people could argue with that. I hear stories and know people who have lost their little ones to illness or tragedy. One day they are here and the next day they aren’t and if we can’t see how precious these days are that we have together then we are gonna miss them more when they are gone. And they will be, one day. Kids will grow up, parents will get older and these everyday moments that seem so annoying right now will be a faded memory. A snapshot tucked away in the family photo album.

I sure hope that when I look back one day that I’m not sad because I didn’t choose happiness and joy amidst all the chaos that is raising children. Instead of venting every chance I get (don’t get me wrong, I’m not unfamiliar with a good vent session and I’m not saying that sometimes they aren’t needed) I should remember that there will come a time when my child will no longer do the things that I find a little tiring in the season that we are in.

One day they will no longer…

Ask to be held for the thousandth time that day, and usually as soon as I have a fresh cup of coffee in my hand.

Crawl into bed with us in the middle of the night…. crushing many sensitive body parts in their path.

Beg us to lay down with them every night by wrapping their arms around our necks so tight we don’t know whether to start fighting for a breath or just give in and lay down.

Ask us to read “just one more book”

Try to eat the food we have because it looks better. “Me share with you mommy?”

Have potty accidents and seek us for help and comfort…. and the dreaded clean up.

There are so many more and I could really go on and on but those are some of the things that happen on a daily basis and sometimes I wanna pull my hair out. I’m only human! But then I remember(at least most of the time) that one day they will be all grown up and I will ache to hold them, console them, cuddle with them, take care of them, clean up after them. I will miss stealing one last peek of them in their beds at night.

These moments should be embraced with compassion, not complained about to the point of becoming cruel to our children(whether to their face or not) and continually casting them as the subject of all our complaints.

We were once children ourselves after all!!

So here’s to embracing rather than complaining.

At that time the disciples came to Jesus, saying, “Who is the greatest in the kingdom of heaven?” And calling to him a child, he put him in the midst of them and said, “Truly, I say to you, unless you turn and become like children, you will never enter the kingdom of heaven.
-Matthew 18:1-3

“Adults are just outdated children.” 
  — Dr. Seuss 

“Children need models rather than critics.” 
  — Joseph Joubert, French moralist

Be Still My Heart

Conversations with a 5 year old

5 year old son – “I wanna go in my heart.”

Me – “You want to go in your heart?”

5 year old son – “Mommy, I wanna go in my heart.”

Me – “Why?”

5 year old son – “So I can see God, do you wanna go in my heart so you can see God?”

Why yes, I would absolutely love to!!:)

A Garden Made for You


Finally after years of wanting to make a garden, I finally pulled my big girl gardening boots on and started digging. I have my little ones to thank for it. Their little minds can soak up a lot of info and memories helping out with a garden and luckily I have a whole lot of tiny little hands to help me.

We’ve got some zucchini, squash, onions, cauliflower(my absolute favorite), peppers, lettuce and will be planting some melons in May.

My sister gave us one row of her cement blocks and brought my very crafty niece over to help the kids paint them. Fun all around, now lets just hope something grows!

Here’s to getting dirty!


Fun little update because I didn’t get this posted right away. A glimpse of our first little seed sprouting. Zucchini is the only one to break through so far! Fingers crossed for the rest of them!

My Crafty Creators


From metal to magnificent – by my father, who never ceases to amaze me.

This is one of the many pieces that my dad makes and has on his Etsy shop (which is set up and run by my mother.)
Here is the link if you wanna see more. MudDaubermtg

I just received the half windmill and the word BLESSED for my birthday and I couldn’t help but feel blessed with such wonderful creative parents. My dad, the welder. My mom, the craftiest person I know. They both have Etsy shops which is how they make their living now and I’m so proud of them for all of their hard work. My dad has had his own welding business for years and years and is now finally getting to create his own pieces for people literally all over the world. I’m sorry but I have to dote on them a ton because they have spent their life loving and supporting and encouraging me. Hopefully I can spend the rest of my life doing the same for them!

To see more pics of the awesome birthday gifts they made scroll down. Also visit their shops. They are pretty incredible!



This, my mom made. The baskets are on hooks so we can take them down and fill them with deliciousness from the garden

Here are some pics from happy clients. Super fun to see where some of his stuff has ended up and what people do with it.





Probably one of the coolest… stage in NYC. Used his letters and put lights in them for the play.

The apple fell way too far from the tree because my craftiness is pretty much nonexistent.

So here’s to my parents and all of their artistic abilities!!

School Madness at Home


Today I got My Father’s World 1st grade curriculum for my oldest son. We won’t start until fall of this year but it has been between this or Sonlight for about a year and I just couldn’t go back and forth in my head anymore (I’m about to go nuts!) so I went ahead and jumped the gun and bought MFW.

My reasonings for this was because they both have great reviews, they both have a schedule laid out for me, the only difference and really deciding factor was the price. This being our first full year of homeschooling I just couldn’t imagine shelling out almost a thousand dollars when I’m not sure how it will even work for us and at this time I’m only planning on homeschooling the elementary years but I’m always open to whatever comes our way.

All that being said I got this box of books and worksheets and ideas and activities and although there is a laid out plan I can’t help but feel overwhelmed. I’m sure once I get it organized I will feel a little better. Lets hope anyways.

So what are your thoughts? Has anyone ever used or is using My Father’s World? How does it compare to other curriculums? I realize that I have already bought it but would still love to hear some feedback.

Here’s to over preparation and uneasiness!;)

Burnt Out and it Feels so Good

I have a confession…. I’m burnt out and I’m proud to admit it.

A little back story…

I don’t like to complain, I don’t like to be tired with what I’m doing. I don’t like to be ungrateful.

I’m the type of person that has a bad day and always tries to thank God that he even allowed me to have it. Every day is a gift. My kids waking up everyday is a gift, my husband kissing me goodbye in the morning and kissing me goodnight in the evening is a gift.

I know this.

I’m a stay at home mom who will and kinda is homeschooling, that is my choice, that is a blessing and while some days I wanna cry, I pick my laundry basket up and try to be the best mom/wife I can be. Who knows how long this special gift will last right?

I try to show love and kindness to everyone and I try even harder to love people, actually love them. I will admit there is a handful of people that are pretty much a constant in my life that make it very hard sometimes.

But this last week and I know probably several times in the past, I’ve been just done. There are a lot of balls in the air and I feel like right now they are at my feet. I am not arrogant enough to believe that I’m the only one to go through this, everyone does and I’m not trying to play the woe is me game. But I will say that in the past I haven’t let myself admit when I’m tired or in a funk or burnt out and this time around I kinda feel like shouting it to the roof tops. Not complain but accept that this comes even with the most exciting of lives.

I’ve realized I shouldn’t be ashamed of feeling tired and burnt out. I shouldn’t go into hiding or pretend mode. I shouldn’t feel like the dead beat mom who isn’t stoked to pick up toys for the 11 hundredth time! It’s okay to be tired, it’s okay to feel burnt out and I should feel good that I have things that keep me busy and burn me out.

Honestly I’m just happy that I’m able to have balls in the air in the first place. I’m happy that I have food in the fridge that I’m too tired to prepare. Yes I’m ending this on a positive note because as I’ve explained I can’t help myself….

Just because I’m tired or burnt out or feel like curling up into a ball and sleeping for 12 hours doesn’t mean I’m a failure and it doesn’t mean I’m not grateful. It just means I have that much more to hold onto. That much more to embrace and that maybe a weekend away is well overdue.

So to the rooftops I sing….

I’m burnt out and it feels so good!

How to Encourage our Kids to Be Healthy in a Healthy Way

I ran across this article on Facebook. A friend shared it and then I shared it and now I just can’t resist sharing it on here. This was specifically written for mothers with daughters but I think that it’s fitting for boys and girls alike and really just people in general. It’s a great reminder on choosing our words wisely and putting more focus on positive encouragement, on motivating and training little ones up with healthy habits not unattainable perfection. Hope you enjoy as much as I did.

Continue to article…

A Sweet Little Sight


“The joy of motherhood comes in moments. There will be hard times and frustrating times. But amid the challenges there are shining moments of joy and satisfaction.” -Elder M. Russell Ballard

With the baby finally going down to sleep and a little toddler who fights a nap everyday but actually gave in early today, I slumped against my kitchen cabinet with a little sigh of relief.

Fingers rubbing my forehead vigorously, trying to workout a headache that I could feel crowding in.

When I looked up, this is what I saw, my oldest sitting there eating lunch.

His cape clad back turned towards me and his dog standing close, waiting for a drop of food and a pat on the head.

Today I looked up and saw the light in my life that always shines the brightest right when I need it to. While my other little blessings were cozy in their beds leaving me just a little deflated I looked up and saw a sweet sight.

Oh how thankful I am for the sweet little sights all around me and even more grateful when I actually open my eyes enough to notice them.

A Picture is Worth a Thousand Words


In photography there is a reality so subtle that it becomes more real than reality. -Alfred Stieglitz

This photo is a back of the camera peek after our latest family photo session over the weekend. I am lucky enough to have an amazing photographer who also happens to be my lovely sister. So I get little peeks before the fact.

This photo pretty much sums up each one of my children.

From left to right

My oldest who is laying down has pretty much given up at this point. He’s my laid back one. He strolls wherever he goes.

My youngest who is my attention seeker! He loves to be looked at and is the happiest little lad.

And then my little girl, my middle child. She’s usually in her own world, distracted easily. SQUIRREL. She’s also my little spaz.

This picture is going over the mantel!:)